ARTCHIVES collects detailed archival descriptions of notable art historians' collections. Art historians' personal archives include a variety of sources (papers, expertises, correspondances, photographs etc.) documenting creators' work,...
CIRCA, The Canadian Institute for Research Computing in Arts, fosters the development of new computing methodologies and new computer-based resources for research and teaching in the humanities and advances the state of humanities...
The EADH brings together and represents the Digital Humanities in Europe across the entire spectrum of disciplines that research, develop, and apply digital humanities methods and technology. The EADH also supports the formation of DH...
La Fondazione Federico Zeri è un centro di ricerca e di formazione specialistica nel campo della Storia dell'arte. È stata istituita nel 1999 dall'Università di Bologna con lo scopo di tutelare e divulgare l'opera e la figura di Federico Zeri,...
Le programme des «Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes» du CESR a été conçu en 2002 avec la collaboration de l'IRHT (section de l'humanisme). Il constitue, avec l'informatisation des Catalogues régionaux des incunables et l’élaboration...
Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks.
Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire...
The British Academy is the UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences. They mobilise these disciplines to understand the world and shape a brighter future.
They: distribute funding to support UK and international...
MythLOD è una piattaforma che fa capo al Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica (FICLIT) dell'Università di Bologna. Al suo interno è possibile rintracciare un vasto archivio di opere mitologiche classificate per collocazione, periodo,...