Le Portail Biblissima offre un accès unique et simple à un ensemble de données numériques sur l’histoire de la transmission des textes produits de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance en Orient comme en Occident, quel qu’en soit le support et...
Il Centro Studi Interuniversitario Gozzano-Pavese, anche in collaborazione con altri centri, istituti ed enti pubblici e privati, a livello nazionale e internazionale, intende conservare e aprire alla consultazione e carte e i volumi che...
The Digital Humanities group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler investigates methods and systems aimed at applying natural language processing to humanities and social sciences problems.
They work with historical archives, social media data,...
Digital Humanities (DH) form a bridge between the traditional practices of research and the opportunities afforded by technology, providing scholars with new ways of looking at old problems, and the methods, tools and frameworks to...
The EADH brings together and represents the Digital Humanities in Europe across the entire spectrum of disciplines that research, develop, and apply digital humanities methods and technology. The EADH also supports the formation of DH...
Il Laboratorio di Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale, costituitosi nel 2021 all’interno del Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese Culturali dell’Università degli Studi di Parma, promuove la riflessione teorica e...
Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks.
Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire...
La RedHD es una iniciativa de un grupo de académicos y académicas que nos reunimos en junio 2011 para discutir formas de impulsar y apoyar la formalización de las Humanidades Digitales.
La RedHD è un'iniziativa di un gruppo...